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Selectmen's Minutes March 9, 1999
Selectmen’s Meeting with the Plymouth County Commissioners
March 2, 1999

Present:  Chairman Peter Jones, Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Daniel Webster and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

Request for Executive Session: Commissioners requested Executive Session- They voted unanimously.  Dan Webster made a motion for the Selectmen to enter executive session under exemption #6 for land negotiations, second by Murdoch.  Roll call vote - Murdoch, aye; Webster, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Jones, aye.  4-0 Vote

8:25 p.m. Selectmen noted they would return to Hanson Town Hall to meet with the Finance Committee.  

8:50p.m. Murdoch, Kuchinski, Jones met with the Finance Committee where Peter Huska was making a presentation for 2 additional personnel.